Paul Penberthy – Honorary Life Membership
Paul Penberthy is a quiet and unassuming gentleman who has had a love of Milking Shorthorns all his life.
Residing in the Manawatu, Paul’s love of the Milking Shorthorn was inspired by his father Mason and his Uncle Hector who had the Willowdale stud. In his early years, Paul was the one who stayed at home milking the cows and undertaking farm duties while his father and uncle attended A & P Shows around the region. The Willowdale stud was known for breeding longevity into their cow families and this continued under Paul’s stewardship when he took over the reins.
The first Milking Shorthorn conference Paul attended was in 1952, when he was 19 years old. His Father (Mason) couldn’t attend, so Frank Bond and Tom Gretton suggested to Mason that they ‘let Paul go’ and they promised to look after him. Well, luckily Paul was allowed to go, and he had a fantastic time attending the conference and staying at the Zetland hotel. You may think he would recall some insightful learnings at this early stage of his farming career, but his standout memory was his first ever purchase from a ‘pie cart’.   It must have been a good pie 😊.
Farming has seen a lot of changes over the years as technology has transformed farming.  Back in the day, Mason thought Paul had ‘gone mad’ when he bought teat washers and a washdown hose for the shed. Far too modern for Mason’s liking. I don’t know if he would have approved of the radio Paul started bringing to the cowshed in his later years either.
Some of Paul’s most happy memories are of the various shows that he attended, from local Newbury school calf clubs to the bigger A&P shows. He was always very proud to see his three daughters leading Milking Shorthorn calves in the various classes, and although hectic at the time they are wonderful family memories.
Paul served for many years on the local A & P Show committee and was often seen rallying the troops as a steward at local Manawatu shows.
Farming life can be lonely, so Paul also made the most of the various Milking Shorthorn events on offer. Whether on the Committee or just being a part of the Milking Shorthorn group, he has always cherished these associations. Paul feels he’s been very blessed having met so many wonderful ‘Shorthorn people’ over the years.
Paul served as secretary of the Manawatu Branch of the Milking Shorthorn Association, now known as Central Districts Milking Shorthorn Association for 22 years. He is currently the patron of the local branch and his passion for the history of the branch is evident as he recounts the stories of the past. In fact at the recent Central Districts Branch 100th celebration, it was Paul, with the support of his wife Jennifer and two of his three daughters who brought along some interesting memorabilia of the branch.
Over the years Paul has contributed to many NZMSA conferences as a surprise guest entertainer with a wicked sense of humour.
Nationally, Paul served our association as judge of the association.
It is with gratitude of Paul’s quiet service for the breed that we recognise him with Honorary Life membership of the New Zealand Milking Shorthorn Association.
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