
Association News

Judging Certification Days

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Judging Certification Days for current and prospective Judges will be held in February 2025 as follows:

Wednesday 19 February         Taranaki – Langlands Farm
Thursday 20 February             Waikato – Ferdon Jerseys, Otorohanga
Friday 21 February                  Southland – Ingleside

For more information, please contact Alayna Judge

South Island Milking Shorthorn Championships

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South Island Milking Shorthorn Championship

Wyndham A & P – 7th December 2024

Judged by Thomas Lilley


Mature Cow – 6 years & over in-milk

1st: Bronze Red Velvet – Bronwyn Brown

2nd: Glenmoor Pretty Lady – Nicola Muller


Cow 4-5 years old in-milk

1st: Lowburn Supreme Sprinkles – Simmons Family


Heifer 3 Years Old in-milk

1st: Lowburn Jedi Jax – Simmons Family

2nd: Glenmoor Gem – Nicola Muller

3rd: Glenmeadows NZ Sunshine – Stu Kent


Heifer 2 Years Old in-milk

1st: Glenmoor Shine Bright – Nicola Muller

2nd: Glenmeadows NZ Raine – Stu Kent


Best Uddered Cow or Heifer

1st: Lowburn Jedi Jax – Simmons Family

2nd: Lowburn Supreme Sprinkles – Simmons Family

3rd: Bronze Red Velvet – Bronwyn Brown

4th: Glenmoor Pretty Lady – Nicola Muller


Best Pair of Cows

1st: Simmons Family

2nd: Nicola Muller

3rd: Stu Kent


Champion Milking Shorthorn Cow

Lowburn Jedi Jax – Simmons Family


Reserve Champion Milking Shorthorn Cow

Lowburn Supreme Sprinkles – Simmons Family


Best Yearling Heifer

1st: Glenmoor Firebug – Nicola Muller

2nd: Glenmoor Angelina – Nicola Muller

3rd: Kilmarnock BJ Remoo – Amy Green


Best Heifer Calf

1st: Lowburn Stargazer Jacks – Simmons Family

2nd: Glenmoor Queen of Hearts – Nicola Muller

3rd: Lowburn Jiath Linda – Simmons Family

4th: Glenmoor Shining Star – Nicola Muller

5th: Kilmarnock Bingo – Amy Green

6th: Sveka’s Jedi Pepper – Katherine Wolkenhauer-Buhre


Best Bull Calf

1st: Bronz Oxford Vibe – Bronwyn Brown

2nd: Glenmoor Cookie Monster – Nicola Muller

3rd: Kilmarnock Bob – Amy Green

4th: Glenmoor Riversleigh Fire – Nicola Muller


Pair of Calves or Yearlings or Heifer and Calf

1st: Simmons Family

2nd: William Malcolm

3rd: Simmons Family

4th: Stu Kent


Milking Shorthorn Junior Champion

Lowburn Stargazer Jacks – Simmons Family


Milking Shorthorn Junior Reserve Champion

Glenmoor Firebug – Nicola Muller


Supreme Champion Milking Shorthorn

Lowburn Jedi Jax – Simmons Family

Stratford A & P Show 2024 Results

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Stratford A & P Show 2024

30 November & 1 December 2024

Stratford Showgrounds, Taranaki

Combined Breeds of Milking Shorthorns & Brown Swiss & Guernsey

Heifer – 2 year old in milk
1st: Westell Monta Sandi – Powell Family
2nd: Oliver Woods AR – Ross & Joanne Soffe
3rd: Westell Samson Mavis S1S – Maverick Cattle
4th: Northbrook Royal Halo – Northbrook Enterprises Ltd
5th: WestellHunt Angela – Jarod Hudson

Heifer – 3 year old in milk
1st: Northbrook N Honeybee – Northbrook Enterprises Ltd
2nd: Oliver Woods E Erica – Ross & Joanne Soffe

Intermediate Champion
Westell Monta Sandi – Powell Family

Intermediate Reserve Champion
Northbrook N Honeybee – Northbrook Enterprises Ltd

Cow – 4 & 5 year olds in milk
2nd: Aywon Sunstorm Tessa – Noah Dibble
3rd: Northbrook Fost – Northbrook Enterprises Ltd
4th: Brecon Alston Fog – Brian & Marian McDonald

Cow – 6 year old and over in milk
1st: Oliver Woods J Cari – Ross & Joanne Soffe
2nd: Northbrook Open – Northbrook Enterprises Ltd
3rd: Oliver Woods P Pett – Ross & Joanne Soffe

Senior Champion Cow
Oliver Woods J Cari – Ross & Joanne Soffe

NZ Milking Shorthorn North Island Champion
Oliver Woods J Cari – Ross & Joanne Soffe

NZ Milking Shorthorn North Island Reserve Champion
Aywon Sunstorm Tessa – Noah Dibble

Shorthorn Champion Cow – Morgan Cup
1st: Oliver Woods J Cari – Ross & Joanne Soffe

Grand Champion Cow
1st: Oliver Woods J Cari – Ross & Joanne Soffe

Cow or Heifer in milk with best vessel – H L Jones Cup
1st: Oliver Woods J Cari – Ross & Joanne Soffe
2nd: Aywon Sunstorm Tessa – Noah Dibble

Two Females in milk
1st: Entry – Northbrook Enterprises Ltd
2nd: Group 2 – Ross & Joanne Soffe
3rd: Group 1 – Ross & Joanne Soffe

Cow or Heifer in milk to be judged on Type and Production
1st: Maungaview Beatrice S3B – J Taylor + D Manley
2nd: Brecon Alston Fog – Brian & Marian McDonald
3rd: Oliver Woods E Erica – Ross & Joanne Soffe
4th: Northbrook Fost – Northbrook Enterprises Ltd
5th: Northbrook N Honeybee – Northbrook Enterprises Ltd

Youth Handler – Cow or Female Yearling
1st: Group 1 – Paige Taylor
2nd: Entry – Nikki Baker
3rd: Entry – Zara Williams
4th: Entry 2 – Haylee Baker

Young Handler – Heifer Calf – Mirodale Challenge Trophy
1st: Group 1 – Laciy Taylor
2nd: Entry – Xavier Gread
3rd: Entry – Waitower Farms
4th: Entry – Cooper Simmons

Bull Calf
1st: Oliver Woods LQE Pete – Ross & Joanne Soffe
2nd: Kingleigh Montgomery – James & Ashleigh Oakes
3rd: Northbrook MurWhirl – Northbrook Enterprises Ltd

Bull Calf and two Heifer Calves – the property of the same exhibitor.
1st: Entry – James & Ashleigh Oakes
2nd: Entry – Northbrook Enterprises Ltd
3rd: Group 1 – Ross & Joanne Soffe

Heifer Junior Calf
1st: Panorama Arlos – Panorama Genetics
3rd: Kingleigh Arlo HHClay – James & Ashleigh Oakes
4th: Kingleigh BE Primrose – James & Ashleigh Oakes
5th: Oliver Woods LQE Car – Ross & Joanne Soffe

Heifer Senior Calf
2nd: Lakeview Jiath Peach – Lakeview All Breeds
3rd: Xcead Jiath Jade – Xavier Gread
4th: Laurendale Jiath Sage – Ella Pirie

Two Heifer Calves
1st: Entry – Northbrook Enterprises Ltd
2nd: Entry – James & Ashleigh Oakes
3rd: Entry – Brian & Marian McDonald
4th: Group 1 – Ross & Joanne Soffe
5th: Group 2 – Ross & Joanne Soffe

Heifer Junior Yearling
1st: Lakeview Port Royal – Lakeview All Breeds
2nd: Laurendale Jazz Fushia – Ella Pirie
4th: Snowline Jedi Piper – Brian & Marian McDonald

Heifer Senior Yearling
2nd: Xcead Delta Sunny P – Xavier Gread
3rd: Oliver Woods ND Elff – Ross & Joanne Soffe
4th: Riveredge Delta Sia – Jarod Hudson

Two Yearling Heifers
1st: Group 1 – Ross & Joanne Soffe

Two Females – Heifers or Calves – the progeny of the same Sire or Dam
2nd: Entry – Brian & Marian McDonald
3rd: Entry – Northbrook Enterprises Ltd
4th: Entry – James & Ashleigh Oakes

Junior – Reserve Champion
Lakeview Port Royal – Lakeview All Breeds

NZ Milking Shorthorn North Island Junior Champion
Lakeview Port Royal – Lakeview All Breeds

NZ Milking Shorthorn North Island Junior Reserve Champion 


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NZ Milking Shorthorn members are encouraged to exhibit cattle at the Championship Shows for the 2024/25 season:

North Island Championships – STRATFORD A & P Show, 30 November – 1 December 2024


South Island Championships – WYNDHAM A & P Show, 7 December 2024

Entries close 27 November 2024


Championship ribbons will be presented to the Senior and Reserve Senior Champions at each show.


Paul Penberthy – Honorary Life Membership

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Paul Penberthy – Honorary Life Membership

Paul Penberthy is a quiet and unassuming gentleman who has had a love of Milking Shorthorns all his life.

Residing in the Manawatu, Paul’s love of the Milking Shorthorn was inspired by his father Mason and his Uncle Hector who had the Willowdale stud. In his early years, Paul was the one who stayed at home milking the cows and undertaking farm duties while his father and uncle attended A & P Shows around the region. The Willowdale stud was known for breeding longevity into their cow families and this continued under Paul’s stewardship when he took over the reins.

The first Milking Shorthorn conference Paul attended was in 1952, when he was 19 years old.  His Father (Mason) couldn’t attend, so Frank Bond and Tom Gretton suggested to Mason that they ‘let Paul go’ and they promised to look after him.  Well, luckily Paul was allowed to go, and he had a fantastic time attending the conference and staying at the Zetland hotel.  You may think he would recall some insightful learnings at this early stage of his farming career, but his standout memory was his first ever purchase from a ‘pie cart’.    It must have been a good pie 😊.

Farming has seen a lot of changes over the years as technology has transformed farming.   Back in the day, Mason thought Paul had ‘gone mad’ when he bought teat washers and a washdown hose for the shed.  Far too modern for Mason’s liking.  I don’t know if he would have approved of the radio Paul started bringing to the cowshed in his later years either.

Some of Paul’s most happy memories are of the various shows that he attended, from local Newbury school calf clubs to the bigger A&P shows.  He was always very proud to see his three daughters leading Milking Shorthorn calves in the various classes, and although hectic at the time they are wonderful family memories.

Paul served for many years on the local A & P Show committee and was often seen rallying the troops as a steward at local Manawatu shows.

Farming life can be lonely, so Paul also made the most of the various Milking Shorthorn events on offer.  Whether on the Committee or just being a part of the Milking Shorthorn group, he has always cherished these associations.  Paul feels he’s been very blessed having met so many wonderful ‘Shorthorn people’ over the years.

Paul served as secretary of the Manawatu Branch of the Milking Shorthorn Association, now known as Central Districts Milking Shorthorn Association for 22 years. He is currently the patron of the local branch and his passion for the history of the branch is evident as he recounts the stories of the past. In fact at the recent Central Districts Branch 100th celebration, it was Paul, with the support of his wife Jennifer and two of his three daughters who brought along some interesting memorabilia of the branch.

Over the years Paul has contributed to many NZMSA conferences as a surprise guest entertainer with a wicked sense of humour.

Nationally, Paul served our association as judge of the association.

It is with gratitude of Paul’s quiet service for the breed that we recognise him with Honorary Life membership of the New Zealand Milking Shorthorn Association.

South Island Milking Shorthorn Championship 2024

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South Island Milking Shorthorn Championship 2024

This year the South Island Milking Shorthorn Championship was held on-farm. 190 entries were entered in total with Wendy Harker taking this task on as judge. Wendy flew into Invercargill on the night of the 30th of January and on the 31st she was picked up from her motel at 7 am to start her judging in Southland. Over the next few days, she continued her travels up the country through Otago, up to Canterbury, and as far as Rai Valley.

Many Km were traveled to see the 190 head of red cattle and it had all been worth it. A big thank you goes to Wendy for taking this offer up. you have done an amazing job. Thank you to everyone who helped organize this on-farm competition. Thank you to everyone who put their cattle up to be judged, the stock all looked amazing!!


On Farm Results

2 Yr Old Class – 34 entries

1st Burness Boom Megan (Best Udder) – Logan and Nicky Kelly, Kaitangata

2nd Brecon Supreme Tara – Red Cow Farm, Canterbury

3rd Lowburn Jedi Jax – Simmons Family, Invercargill

4th Brecon Supreme Mandy – Anni & Jonny Lowe, Clydevale

5th Brecon ED Tamarillos – Mark Ring, Canvastown Marlborough

6th Westell Hunt Missy – Simmons Family, Invercargill

7th Brecon Dylan Midi – Red Cow Farm, Canterbury


3 Yr Old Class – 26 entries

1st Rebson Norman Debra (Best Udder) – Coleman-Cowie Farming, Canvastown

2nd Maybella Jazz Eve – Anieka Templer, Balfour

3rd Brecon Dylan Phoebe – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

4th Lowburn Supreme Sprinkles – Simmons Family, Invercargill

5th Westell Supreme Sori – Thomas Lilley, Ashburton

6th Brecon Kai Cola – Peter and Maree Hughes-Crowley, Riverton

7th Elmgrove 20-13 – Bailey Partnership, Kaiapoi

8th The River JJ Bloemfontain – Lieuwes Abbott Ltd, Hororata


Intermediate Championship
Rebson Norman Debra – Coleman-Cowies Farming, Canvastown

Reserve Intermediate Champion
Maybella Jazz Eve – Anieka Templer, Balfour

Honorable Mention
Burness Boom Megan – Logan Kelly, Kaitangata


Blue Cow Section – 12 Entries

1st Blue Cindy – Peter Hughes, Crowley Riverton

2nd Little Blue Pep – Stu Kent, Otautau

3th Westell Arnie Flo – Anieka Templer, Balfour

4th Brecon BWE Fanny – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

5th The River Vario Ellie – Lieuwes Abbott Ltd, Hororata


Bull Calf Section

1st Brecon Sam Bass – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

2nd Brecon Buffalo Bill – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

3rd Brecon Finnegan – Red Cow Farm, Canterbury

4th Te Kiripi Husedo P – Hardwick Family, Christchurch


Heifer Calf Class – 19 Entries

1st Te Kiripi Clo Jovi – Hardwick Family, Christchurch

2nd Brecon BMT Vera – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

3rd Te Kiripi Clo Clas – Hardwick Family, Christchurch

4th Lowburn Supreme Iz-Bee – Simmons Family, Invercargill

5th Caledonia CA Skylah – Henderson Family, Milton

6th Tocky Sarah – Mark Ring, Canvastown Marlborough


Yearling Heifer Class – 18 entries

1st Brecon Jazzy Veronica – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

2nd Burness All Jade – Logan Kelly, Kaitangata

3rd Brecon Jazzy Louise – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

4th Burness Arlo Molly – Logan Kelly, Kaitangata

5th Lowburn Jedi Lindy-Lady – Simmons Family, Invercargill

6th Brecon Sonic Atlanta – Anieka Templer, Balfour


Junior Champion
Brecon Jazzy Veronica – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

Junior Reserve Champion
Burness All Jade – Logan Kelly, Kaitangata

Honorable Mention
Te Kiripi Clo Jovi – Hardwick Family, Christchurch


4 Yr Old Class – 19 entries

1st Brecon Taika Rachael (Best Udder) – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

2nd Te Kiripi Ned Beaut – Logan Kelly, Kaitangata

3rd Brecon Supreme Musetta – Coleman-Cowie, Canvastown

4th Brecon PO Nellie – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

5th Elmsgrove 19-37 – Bailey Partnership, Kaiapoi

6th Burness Font Breeze – Peter Hughes-Crowley, Riverton


5 Yr Old Class – 19 Entries

1st Brecon Monty Westonia (Best Udder) – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

2nd Brecon Monty Nellie – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

3rd Lowburn Jedi Rose – Simmons Family, Invercargill

4th Burness EG Sprite – Logan Kelly, Kaitangata

5th Aparima Luce – Peter Hughes, Crowley Riverton

6th Elmgrove 18-45 – Bailey Partnership,  Canterbury


6 Yr Old Class – 12 Entries

1st Te Kiripi Savr Rose – Logan Kelly, Kaitangata

2nd Brecon Tana Aran (Best Udder) – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

3rd Lowburn Jedi Rose-Ann – Simmons Farm, Invercargill

4th Grosvenor Jedi Nate – David and Paul Murphy, Invercargill

5th Waiwera Dundeb – Adam Gerritson, Winton

6th Glenmoor Sparkles – Nicola Muller, Invercargill


7 Yrs and Over Plus – 12 entries

1st Burness 15-7 (Best Udder) -8 Years Old – Logan Kelly, Kaitangata

2nd Elmgrove CN Millie – 9 Years Old – Bailey Partnership, Kaiapoi

3rd Lowburn Carbo Shorty – 8 Years Old – Simmons Family, Invercargill

4th Burness Snowflake – 8 Years Old – Logan Kelly, Kaitangata

5th Brecon ND Eliza – 7 Years Old – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

6th Brecon Jam Piccadilli – 10 Years Old – Lieuwes Abbott Ltd, Hororata


Senior Champion
Brecon Monty Westonia – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

Reserve Senior Champion
Brecon Taika Rachael – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

Senior Honorable Mention
Te Kiripi Savr Rose – Logan Kelly, Kaitangata

Best Udder Overall
Brecon Monty Westonia – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

Supreme Champion
Brecon Monty Westonia – Red Cow Farms, Canterbury

Brecon Monty Westonia – Red Cow Farms

IRDBF Tour 2023

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IRDBF Tour 2023

Punased lehmad- meie uhine kirg!

Red cows our common passion – The Estonian slogan for the Conference

Pre conference tour of Demark Included visiting the national a and p show at Herning which is in the middle of the mainland Jutland. It a was very impressive show with fantastic facilities with cows housed in multiple barns with vacuum line above stall area where cows could be milked by plugging in. The big main show ring with grand stand alongside of ring for crowd to watch with Holstein jersey and red danes breeds shown in evening the Viking genetics trade stall turned in to beer tap room socializing area.

There was farm machinery displays, beef cattle and sheep. These were more hobby shown apparently. With the main agriculture in Demark is dairy, pigs and arable horses with around 50 heavy horses been shown. Breeds were Jutland(local) shire, Clydesdale, punch and cob types/breeds.

They was big engagement for kids and young people for outdoors and rural experience with school groups and families taking part in many activities. Wood carving with knives, camp fire making, hand milking cows and clay target shooting. There was big hunting and fishing site with deer carcasses hanging up which we were treated to as roast venison over wood coals for dinner at show.

Our guides for the tour were Lars Inversen who was former president of Viking genetics and involved in the merger to bring the Nordic red breeds together and current president of Danish farmers union. He also runs dairy and bull fattening farm on island of Funen. Other guide was Bjarne Serup Pedersen who had retired from farming but still takes keen interested in farming in Demark and red Dane cows.He currently runs a furniture construction and firewood business from Danish oak grown on funen and before retiring from farming was running two dairy farms. They were great, very knowledgeable for all the many questions asked by the curious New Zealand farmers.

We visited two farms on the island of Funen on way to overnight stay in Copenhagen.

Farm one was Bjanes family farm where he grew up and is now run by his nephew Jacob who is on Viking board. Milking 400 red Dane cows 3 times a day  it was a very modern well run farm with Jacob hoping to increase to 600 cows in near future. Government rules are in place to set stocking rate at 1 cow per hectare this farm is spread over 20 km  ground is used for growing crops  and silage to feed the cows. Jacob discussed concerns about environmental restriction in future with c02, his plan is to be in top ten percent to survive what the future throws at him.

The cows were housed in  mix cubical stalls and straw free barn sheds. Milk is supplied to Arla milk co-op. Rules discussed with us was a “heart system” and for every heart rating achieved they are paid  extra. For example calves have to be housed in pairs and have play stimulation in form of two rubber teats to suckle on. Cows have to have access to outside which Jacobs did but they prefer to stay in barn where it is very comfortable for them. The farm has to have certain amount of calving pens per number of cows.

Jacob has 3Dcameras in barn along feed passage and is involved in study with Viking it measures the TMR in front of cows, how much is eaten and by what cow. It reads cows ID and monitors cows condition and weight gain or loss. The information is fed into a data base where it compares milk yield and builds data on cows feed efficiency by intake and output. Really impressive set up apparently they use same cameras on Xbox game consoles. There is hope to develop cameras for grazing system by having cameras to in bail in cowshed to measure weight or condition changes on cows during milking.

The second was a real family enterprise run by Johan Bebe and wife Anne Katherine with the help on both their fathers. Johan’s looks after the young stock and Annes takes care of the cropping and cultivation on farm this farm had best maize crop I saw on my travels through Europe.

Then on to the Baltic part of the tour starting with hosts Estonia with conference business meeting in the capital Talin and started off with a guided city tour of the old part of city. With different architecture from brought by different areas or empires that had rule over Estonia (only having 50 years independence in last 100years) being demark Sweden German  Russian empire and soviet Russia  all leaving there mark on city we enjoyed great evening entertainment from our hosts as well the hotel had a KGB spy Museum.

Business meetings consisted of welcoming and opening presentation from ministry of agriculture. Host Estonia cattle breeders association CEO Talel Bultiko gave a outline of how agriculture dairy industry and trade was given and how it has changed over last 30 years of independence from USSR followed by two presentations from Australian data gene on there roll out of red genomics across the red dairy breeds there and then professor at la Trobe university on breeding a bright red future.

Followed by German rediverse study program research being done by German professor smaller populations of red dual-purpose and dairy breeds across France Belgium neverlands and Germany then coffee break.

After break we had speaker from Edinburgh university on perils and benefits of import or introduction of outside genetics in small cattle breeding programs were using study and finding from dairy breeds in Czech Republic

Followed by chief technology and innovation manger from Geno Norway talking about their breeding program with an impressive 200,000 cows genotyped in the reference population to allow 1500 bull calves to being screened annually with genomic testing then them taking the top 10 through for their breeding program.

Then chairman of Viking red who farms in Finland  gave talk and update on what tools and opportunity’s  it is using to secure future for red cows. Which lead to Jan Lassen who manages the project from Viking he’s based in demark giving talk on  the use of 3d camera’s in barns and study on saved feed index and elaborated on finding so far.

Which red cows being able to produce more meat and milk off low energy feed compared to jersey and Holstein and also how dairy cows in calf to beef pregnancy’s lose more weight than when having dairy pregnancy’s and require more feed to maintain maintenance  and condition during pregnancy.

IRDBF AGM was held which president Christina Paulsen-Schluter (Germany) and Tanel Bulitko (Estonia) retiring on rotation and  Harvard Melbo Tajet (Norway) and Lorenz Engelbrecht (Germany)being voted to the board and Morton Hansen (demark) becoming vice and Graeme Hamilton (Australia) becoming president and proposed for next conference to be held in new Zealand in march 2026 to be organized by Russell Tocker (me) and  two youth scholarship to be set up for two young breeder or farmer under 35 to allow assistance with travel costs attending future conferences.

Then we were off on the bus tour of the Baltic states. Firstly Estonia then Latvia and Lithuania were treated to visiting dairy farms with red cows and a few tourist sites such as castles and old stone building cities such as Riga and Vilnius had a river cruise as well.

The countryside was flat absent of any hills and mostly forested with silver birch and pines. A few marshland with cleared pockets of farm land in which was mostly in grain or lucerne and some old abandoned buildings along roadsides. There wasn’t many villages or towns in Estonia and as we moved south to Latvia and Lithuania they was less trees and just grain crops as far the eye could see. No fences just up to the road edge then were some paddock rye grass paddocks around for silage and rape seed as well.

The soil in the north was quite shallow sandy and crops didn’t look to have the yields of the ones in the south on more peaty  and clay soils. All the milking cows we saw were housed all year round but they looked very well looked after and healthy. There were a lot of good uddered cows with red Holstein and Viking bulls  and some Ayrshire used as well as local red bulls. Alot of the farmers were breeding for better hooves and udders saw one red cow in Latvia that done over 1000ms a big market for  export of incalf heifer farmers were getting 2000 euro per head.

The cow barns were all cubical stalls for laying in and center feed passage on all farms. The barns were old concrete structures built during soviet time and still in use today the milking set ups were mostly double up herringbones all farms were managed by women as well.

The farm businesses were all 30 years old because that’s how long it had been since soviets had left and private ownership had reallowed. After ww2 all land owners had land conversated and sent to Siberia by soviets, all farms had vast array of machinery ie combine harvesters foragers tractors slurry spreading and cultivation equipment really impressive fleets one  farm had 6000 ha of arable land another one had over 100 staff with 2 accountants.

Then last leg of my trip was to the Uk with a visit to the kite family’s Cotonhall dairy shorthorn herd in Staffordshire. They milk 150 cows with young stock kept down road on different block calving all year round.There were two big strong concrete bull pens were up by cow shed where bulls are kept and then let out with herd when they up in yard for mating. Beautiful country side of hedge paddocks and little lanes and gentle rolling hills tb was a issue in there area they told me.

The cows were out grazing when rob showed me round the milking herd, had some really impressive older cows with big bodies and well attached udders they really stood out. A few younger cows rob pointed out were by Illawarra bulls and he was a bit disappointed with them they looked a bit immature he thought they needed to be grain fed more than grazed. A big part of the kites farm business is selling in milk heifers to supplement their milk cheque and rob puts a lot of effort in to showing his cows to promote his sales.

I like to thank all the hosts and organizers of the conference the hostility we were shown was really first class.


By | Association News

The new Dairy Cattle Show Code of Show Ethics was passed at the RAS Annual General Meeting in June.  Major changes to the code include:

  • Exhibitor Responsibility
  • External teat sealing and test setting will be allowed (conditions apply)
  • Internal manipulation of the teat is banned and the length of the teat may not be altered.
  • The use of a device or product to artificially create or enhance the udder crease is not allowed.

The updated code may be viewed at Our Rules, Regulations and Policies – Royal Agricultural Society New Zealand (  We recommended that any member intending to exhibit at any Show makes themselves familiar with this document.

It is also recommended that exhibitors download and complete the Exhibitor Declaration Treatment Form below for each show attended, and keep a copy in their show box.

Exhibitor Declaration Treatment Form

Oliver Woods STP Cam-ET S0S – Straws Available

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New bull – 1000 straws available
Semen despatched from Semex. LIC and CRV transfer fees will also apply where applicable. All proceeds from semen sales go to the NZ Milking Shorthorn Association. All orders are subject to a Semex despatch fee of $60.00 + GST

Download the order form PDF here —–> Oliver Woods PDF

You can also order online using the form below: