This division of the Association is responsible for the contract mating and the selection of the top young bulls for sire proving in herds throughout New Zealand. Both proven and unproven semen is sold to members at a very competitive rate with some semen from bulls only available through the association. The New Zealand Milking Shorthorn Association is now working alongside Semex. Semex and the RBG Committee have put together a catalogue of bull semen which will suit the commercial dairy farmer nationwide.

2020 Bull Team

You should now have received your Semex catalogue with the 2020 bull team. If you haven’t received your catalogue please get in touch with you Semex Representative.

There are four new bulls presented by RBG for 2020:

Westell Carbo Arlo S1S – AB Code 520555
Brecon Sonic Boom – AB Code 520556
Brecon Kaikora – Ab Code 519541
Brecon Antonio S1S – AB Code 516540

Along with these bulls, you can also obtain semen for other RBG bulls and some overseas genetics is also available. Once again talk to your representative about your needs or make contact with any of the RBG committee or give me a call on 06 3292648.

Looking ahead to 2021

Just a reminder that if you autumn calve, you may have a bull which would be eligible for selection in the 2021 Bull Team.  So check your young bulls to see if they have the characteristics which we get asked for such as polled, roan A2A2.

If you think you have a potential young sire for the RBG Committee to consider, please make sure you complete the six steps outlined below:

  1. Ensure your bull calf is identified on the database
  2. Name your bull calf
  3. Request a 3 GP from the NZMSA office
  4. DNA the bull calf for parentage and A2A2
  5. Contact myself or speak to your RBG liaison person, who will let the committee know
  6. Send through, via email, the 3 GP
Approved Bull ListApproved Bull List

Working alongside Semex NZ Ltd, the Red Breed Genetics Group markets semen from Milking Shorthorn bulls.

Three Generation Pedigrees are available to view for the Red Breed Genetic bulls currently being marketed by Semex NZ Ltd in their 2020 catalogue.

If you require any information or wish to have an agent visit please contact Semex:
PO Box 248
Morrinsville, 3340
14 Allen Street, Morrinsville
Phone (07) 889 1572 or (07) 889 1573, Fax (07) 889 1574
Freephone 0508 473 639   Email

More Information

Red Breed GeneticsRed Breed Genetics